Ms. Priya Sajit
Head of Section, Primary and Kindergarten
Ask her colleagues, across the school and they would tell you that Priya is a rock of Gibraltar they can lean on. One who is a great mentor, does not shy away from challenges thrown her way and one who leads by example, particularly in terms of 100% attendance at work.
Having joined the GEMS group in 2005, Priya has over 18 years of experience as an educator. The boys call her an encyclopedia of information – in this case, information on each one of them. For that is Priya’s greatest strength – she knows each of her boys at the back of her hands; not only whilst they are in school but also at the time of their graduation from school.
With this same passion she drives her teachers towards loving their students and inspiring them, asking each of her teachers to be that kindly light which leads.
A recipient of the GEMS Teacher Award in 2009, Priya’s contributions to the Primary School Concerts and the Look Who’s Answering Quiz have been noteworthy. An active participant at the Inter-school Teachers’ Quiz, she is yet another in-house discoveries who has come through the ranks as teacher, Supervisor, Asst. Professional Development Coordinator; now Professional Development Coordinator Eco Club Coordinator, School Magazine Coordinator and the recent appointment as the Head of Section, Primary and Kindergarten. She is also an accredited GEMS teacher-trainer.
Priya encourages her boys to read and champions to her boys that they should make the most of every learning opportunity encouraging them to seek answers, instilling in them an insatiable thirst for knowledge.