The Madam Mariamma Varkey Commemorative Debate for Teachers- Second edition
Our boys at OOB win laurels wherever they go, the same can be said about our staff as well! On February 4th, 2023 the Second Edition of the Madam Mariamma Varkey Commemorative Debate for Teachers was organized at GEMS Our Own Indian School, Dubai. Our team of amazing debaters, Ms. Juanita and Ms. Hajira, clinched the overall championship with their undebatable arguments both for and against the motion- “The only indicator of a teacher's performance is the student’s test scores.”
A gifted debater with a gift of gab, Juanita turned the tables with her perfect reasoning, steadfast confidence, and excellent argumentative abilities during the debate. In line with the tagline of the debate, 'Argue, Agitate, and Arrive' was our motto and strategy and we lived by it. Both the speakers from OOB presented their points with authority, capturing both the judges’ as well as the audience's attention. Ms. Juanita was adjudged the Best speaker-For the motion while Ms. Hajira’s witty general counter address left a lasting impression on the audience and judges alike. With this win, we’ve also won the honour of hosting the third edition of the debate next year after having hosted the inaugural debate in 2021.
The guest of honor was Mr. Michael Guzder, Senior Vice President of GEMS Education. Ms. Nargish Khambatta, Senior Vice President of GEMS Education, served as the moderator. Dr. Swapna Koshy, a renowned scholar, Mr. Jonathan Bramley, Vice President of communications at GEMS Education, and Mr. David George, a former student, and publisher at Gulf News, made up the panel of judges.