Sewa Day at OOB Primary: Celebrating Compassion and Gratitude
On the 19th of October, 2023, in a heartwarming celebration of compassion and gratitude, OOB Primary School, in collaboration with the Sewa Club, organised a remarkable event titled "Sewa Day." This event aimed to honour the dedicated ancillary staff members whose tireless efforts contribute to the smooth functioning of the school. The underlying purpose was to inspire the students with the selfless service demonstrated by these staff members and encourage them to give back to their community.
The day's festivities were a testament to the school's appreciation for the ancillary staff. Kindergarten and primary students expressed gratitude through joyful performances, including a harmonious medley by the primary department's young talents and a dance performance by the Kinder Minions. The event was beautifully introduced by the Asst. Head Boy, Primary School, who, with his innocent words of gratitude, thanked the community helpers for their invaluable contributions to making the students' lives easier and safer. He also encouraged his peers to express their love and appreciation for these unsung heroes.
Sewa Day continued with heartfelt thanksgiving sessions conducted in both Hindi and Malayalam, where students expressed their gratitude to their beloved "uncles and aunties" for their unwavering support and affection while the students were at school. The event culminated with a vote of thanks and a heartfelt address by the school's Principal. As a token of appreciation, the ancillary staff received custom gift bags, a meal, and a collection of fruits from the students and teaching faculty, leaving them with a profound sense of joy and a warm heart. Sewa Day was a celebration of knowledge and, more importantly, of the love, listening, and willingness to help others that truly matter in building a compassionate community.